


的 Importance of Teaching Students 十大网堵平台 Hate 演讲 From a Young Age

词汇问题 会话 with Grade 3, students sit crossed-legged with early childhood educator and Diversity, 股本, 包容, and Belonging (DEIB) Coordinator Olugbala Williams alongside them on the carpet to complete the circle. 即使是这个计划的最小细节,以及它如何呈现给学生,背后都有意图. 每个细节都指向学生代理和“运用移情肌肉”.” Within these circles, 学生们努力适应新的框架,将不平等和社会不公正的不完美世界和他们作为多元化学校年轻社区成员的责任置于背景下.

Olugbala Williams

词汇问题 isn’t just the title of a new initiative in the 较低的学校; it is cautionary and a reminder that our words are powerful and shape the everyday realities around us. 语言,我们使用的词语,强化了统治我们社会的无形系统. 把语言作为一种工具,我们既可以延续伤害系统,也可以驱逐它们. We must be mindful of our words and their impact, 尤其是对我们关心的人和我们社区的一部分.

Building Empathy

At 较低的学校, 威廉姆斯强调了将负责任的学生塑造成能够接受差异的有同理心的社区成员的重要性. “We want students to use respectful language, to understand why hateful language is not permissible in any space, especially in a school. 此外, 我们想让学生认识到语言不能只用来贬低人, but also how it is entrenched in power, 特权, 压迫——开始看到仇恨的语言是如何直接与人们的边缘化联系在一起的, and hateful language’s impact on history.”

“词汇问题” in Action

词汇问题 initiative encompasses three 会话. In each session, 学生们被提醒遵守社区准则,尊重地挑战彼此,同时保持善良, to actively listen, to be present when silent, to share their experiences or “tell your own story,等等.

In the first and second 会话, 学生的先验知识被诸如“什么是权力”之类的问题激活?” and “Power means you are able to do what?” Or, “What is the difference between teasing and hate speech?” Through class discussion, 学生们建立了一个共同的词汇,并分享了单词如何创建一个更强大的学校社区的个人故事. In the third session, 学生们被教导在看到仇恨语言时应该采取的行动步骤:打断, 回声, 问题, 或教育.

With new knowledge and tools comes empathy and understanding. 圈子里的学生讨论了遭遇仇恨语言的感受, what values they want to see in their community (like empathy, not just sympathy), and things they could say when they hear hateful language. 这些工具教会学生如何将冲突积极地转化为学习机会,并提醒同学他们得到了支持, 或者简单地, to put an end to a moment of verbal harm.

Grade 3 students in 词汇问题 circle.
Success in Forging Connection Among Students

威廉姆斯分享说,与学生的会议取得了成功,部分原因是最终使我们的低年级学生社区在我们最年轻的学者中安全和公平的工作很简单:孩子们有强烈的渴望真正的联系. 当孩子们互相交流肯定和鼓励的话语时,工作坊的一个成功的部分是.

“的 students had so much to say about how to use uplifting language, making the distinction between positive and negative language, and what values are needed to foster positive language.”

Olugbala Williams

低年级的学生渴望了解将他们划分开来的历史结构,以及强化这种划分的语言. 有了这些知识,并学习了应对这种情况的工具,他们知道如何团结起来. 的ir enthusiasm in each 词汇问题 session is evidence that they welcome independence and responsibility; they are willing to share with others language that has hurt them and how they’d like to speak or be spoken to in the future.

“的 most thrilling part for me, 作为老师,” said Williams, 看到孩子们对这项工作的投入程度和周到程度. 的 students had so much to say about how to use uplifting language, making the distinction between positive and negative language, and what values are needed to foster positive language. You can see their intelligent list in the 较低的学校’s lobby.” 

In 词汇问题 会话, students aren’t just learning about what hateful language is, they are learning tools that help them to self-advocate, become upstanders, and be good gatekeepers of their community values. 这在高年级尤其明显,因为他们可能第一次开始经历同学和朋友之间的冲突. Initiatives like 词汇问题 为学生提供先发制人的策略,以应对困难的社交场合,从而建立自信和社交情商.

词汇问题 session discussion points.
的 Start of 词汇问题

最初, 讲习班由三部分组成,目的是防止使用有害的绰号, mostly directed at people of African descent. Williams has taught at Poly for over 25 years, 见证了学校的发展和一代又一代的年轻学生走过它的大门. 威廉姆斯提醒我们,老师也是学生在学校经历的见证者. 他密切关注着他所有的学生,以确保他的教室仍然是一个受人尊敬的地方, 股本, and liberatory practices.

一般, 学校, as institutions, are a microcosm of the larger society which perpetuates racism, 恐同症, 性别歧视, and other forms of systemic oppression and violence. 正是从这一现实出发,低年级的教师和管理人员创造了响应性的, 反种族主义的节目,以确保我们学校的价值观符合诚信. 此外, to avoid further insult and repeated injury, 重要的是,学生们要知道,当他们受到仇恨语言的伤害时,他们值得道歉,值得整个社区采取行动来解决事件.

的 Future of 词汇问题 
较低的学校 词汇问题 initiative

Building empathy and understanding with initiatives like 词汇问题 是保利DEIB团队为我们的社区带来的多方面方法的一部分. Recent programming includes the Counteracting Ideologies of Hate, 在国际领导力发展组织的领导下,促进初中和高中的专业发展和对话 Seeds of Peace, 以及强大的集会和学生主导的服务学习团队,介绍基于研究的历史和社会问题. 此外, 上学校 History Talks which have included topics such as “Asian America: Shaping Communities & Identities” and “New York City’s Asylum Seeker’s Crisis,也为学生和教师提供了合作和参与有意义的讨论的机会. 扩大 词汇问题 to the Dyker Heights campus is a goal of the DEIB team. “We plan to continue this initiative next year, by going deeper and teaching it in the older grades, “ said Williams. “的 vision is to see this format be used in Middle and 上学校, 在哪里,仇恨语言更为普遍,造成的伤害产生了深刻的共鸣.” 

戴克高地的学生们今年一直在他们的亲密团体中努力向社区宣传他们的文化, sharing their experiences at Poly, as well as offering opportunities for schoolwide improvement. 等项目 词汇问题 是否表明教师和行政部门希望与学生合作,实现共同的愿景,赋予学生权力,并为他们提供安全、负责任地驾驭世界的工具.

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